How to Ensure Reliable Kitchen Sink Plumbing

How to Ensure Reliable Kitchen Sink Plumbing

A drip here.
A leak there.
And the next thing you know, there’s a pool of water around your faucet, running down through your cabinetry.
Water damage is the worst. Anyone who’s ever had a problem with their plumbing can back us up on that.
But thankfully, you’ve come to the right place for all things plumbing. And today, we’re tackling your kitchen sink plumbing. We’ve got four tips to keep your faucet in tip-top shape.

4 Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Sink Plumbing in Good Condition

1. Stay on Top of Leaks

When you hear that drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet, you’re really hearing the drip, drip, drip of your hard-earned money heading down the drain. On average, a leaky faucet can drip through up to eight gallons of water every day.

But a drippy faucet is just the tip of the leaky faucet iceberg. You should regularly check for leaks throughout your kitchen sink pipes.

Run water while you check all the plumbing under your sink as you open and close your drains and valves. This is especially important after you embark on any home improvement or faucet repair projects.

2. What to Do if You Find a Small Leak

There are many kinds of faucet leaks.  You could have a leak at the base of your spout or it could just be that the spout never stops dripping.

Knowing what kind of leak you’ve got on your hands is the most important step of fixing it. For instance, a leaky base might require a new O-ring, while a leaky spout might require a tightening.

If you do come across any leaks, your first line of defense is trusty old plumber’s tape. It’s a tape made of Teflon that can be used to seal leaks you find by any of the joints or fittings in your plumbing.

To use plumber’s tape, always wrap the pipe or thread you’re working on three times before you seal it.

If tape’s not enough, there are many innovative new plumbing tools that can help you. Get a sense of them and which ones will help your specific project best.

3. Become Familiar with Your Kitchen Sink Plumbing Parts

Familiarizing yourself with the components of your faucet will help you identify any issues much easier.

For a brief overview of all the parts of your kitchen sink plumbing, you might want to start here. Learning how everything fits together and works together will help you when everything is… well, not fitting or working together.

4. Know When You’re Over Your Head

If you’ve stayed on top of minor leaks, been vigilant about inspecting your kitchen sink drain plumbing, and familiarized with how it’s supposed to run properly, you’ll know when a project is just too big for you to handle.

The kinds of projects that require professional help are few and far between, but knowing when to call in reinforcements is of great importance. Because a small project can quickly turn into a huge one if done improperly.

Live That Leak-Free Life

If you have a problem that keeps needing to be addressed over and over, you’ll probably also want to find yourself a trusty plumbing service to help make the solution more permanent.

In the long run, calling a professional to fix your kitchen sink plumbing will save you loads of money over causing more damage to the situation by guessing.

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