There are many different reasons to call a plumber, and clogged drains can be one of them. A clogged drain might seem like a minor problem, but it can be a symptom of a more significant issue. If you’re currently dealing with clogged drains, you’re probably wondering what could be causing the problem. Keep reading to learn […]
Are you worried that it’s been too long since your last drain cleaning? Plumbing is an important part of our homes, but most of us ignore it until we have a problem. That said, it is easy to miss the warning signs that something might be wrong. Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Read on […]
If you need to unclog your drain, think twice before grabbing a generic drain cleaner off the shelf. Did you know that most of the drain cleaners sold in stores are made with some pretty nasty chemicals? In fact, the most effective drain cleaners are made with sulphuric acid, which can literally eat your skin. On […]